‚); $ („. Rating-wrapper,. Update-BTN“). Click (function () { $ (‚. Rating‘). Toggle (); $ („. Rating-title“). Html (‚Analyze …‘); $ (‚# Content. Container_24‘). Html („
We are collecting data on dopravnespolocnosti.sk at the moment.
Please wait, this process can take up to 60 seconds …
„); $ („. Rating-loader“). Toggle (); $ („. Update-BTN“). FadeOut (‚slow‘); $ . Ajax ({ url: ‚/ ajax / domain.php‘, type: ‚post‘, data: { domain: ‚dopravnespolocnosti.sk‘ }, dataType: ‚JSON‘, success: function (data) { $ („. Update-BTN“). FadeIn (‚slow‘); $ (‚# Content‘). Html (data.msg); $ (‚. Rating‘). Html (data.score_html); $ („. Rating-title“). Html (‚SEO Rank‘); $ (‚. Rating‘). Toggle (); $ (‚. Rating-loader‘). Toggle (); if (data.status == ‚OK‘) window.location.replace („http://seovalidate.com/dopravnespolocnosti.sk“); }, error: function (data) { $ („. Update-BTN“). FadeIn (‚slow‘); $ (‚# Content‘). Html (‚Internal error.‘); $ („. Rating-title“). Html (‚SEO Rank‘); $ (‚. Rating‘). Html („-„); $ (‚. Rating‘). Toggle (); $ (‚. Rating-loader‘). Toggle (); } }); }); });
Traffic Rank
This site is # 7,607,251 in the World
Estimated Visits
Daily visits: 74
Monthly visits: 2,220
Visitors By Country
Country |
Percent of Visitors |
Revenue & Value
Estimated Revenue
Daily revenue: $ 1.48 USD
Monthly revenue: $ 44.40 USD
Website Value
Content Analysis
Domain Name
Domain length: 22 characters
Found Problems:
- That site has long domain name. Keep your URL short. If possible, avoid long domain names.
dopravním spolenosti – přepravní a Pedic firmy – portl o dopravcích a přepravě
Words count: 11 Length: 78 characters
Site title contains between 10 and 70 characters, which is great.
Meta Description
Length: 0 characters
Found Problems:
- There is no meta description.
Meta Keywords
doprava, dopravně spolecnosti, přeprava
Keyword (s) count: 3 Keyword (s) length: 39 characters
Excellent! Meta-keywords are within 170 characters and less than 10 words.
H1 |
H2 |
H3 |
H4 |
H5 |
H6 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
- H1
- dopravní firmy, přepravních a Pedini spolenosti – Dopravní spolenosti
Excellent! Your website is Structured using HTML headings (
Text / HTML Ratio
Found Problems:
- The ratio of text to HTML code of the site is less than 15%, which suggests that the site will not be hurt by moře text content.
We found 31 images on this website.
Images without alt attributes: 23 Images with alt attributes: 8
Images alt attributes ratio (without / with alt attributes): 74.19 % ( 23 / 8 )
Found Problems:
- Most images on the site are not provided with alternative text (the alt attribute).
Google ™ Analytics
Excellent! That site uses the analytical service Google ™ Analytics.
Search Engines Analysis
Indexed By Yahoo ™
Found Problems:
- That site is poorly indexed by search engine Yahoo ™
Top Search Query
Query |
Search Traffic |
dopřAno spedice snv |
10.15% |
dopřAno spedice spišská nova ves |
10.15% |
doprava přeprava spedice |
9.96% |
pozadavek na přepravu |
8.69% |
přepravní společnosti |
6.54% |
dopravní společnost svidník |
5.10% |
nabídkam spedičními sluzby |
3.96% |
mikrobusy |
3.46% |
mezinárodní dopravní společnosti |
2.78% |
oa na kamion |
1.91% |
More ▼ |
Impact Search Query
Query |
Impact |
Popularity |
spedice |
28.56 |
2 |
sterimob |
8.09 |
11 |
Agne |
7.03 |
12 |
nabídkam přepravu osob |
6.21 |
5 |
přepravní společnost |
5.98 |
5 |
spediční společnost |
4.50 |
5 |
firmy.sk |
4.46 |
9 |
spedice |
3.60 |
6 |
sluzby |
3.10 |
9 |
spediční společnost |
2.99 |
5 |
doprava |
2.62 |
26 |
dopravní |
1.73 |
6 |
1.64 |
10 |
zpráva |
1.11 |
10 |
1.03 |
12 |
volvo truck |
0.89 |
25 |
defence |
0.88 |
42 |
autobusova doprava |
0.75 |
15 |
finance |
0.67 |
54 |
trading |
0.61 |
40 |
kurýra |
0.50 |
5 |
Mezinárodní autobusová doprava |
0.50 |
4 |
peugeot boxer |
0.40 |
27 |
pošta |
0.39 |
34 |
Bolzano |
0.39 |
34 |
autotransport |
0.37 |
14 |
sro |
0.25 |
14 |
centrum |
0.25 |
51 |
kosice |
0.24 |
29 |
slovak |
0.22 |
23 |
More ▼ |
SEO Authority
DMOZ Listed
Found Problems:
- Your website is not listed in DMOZ.
Yahoo Listed
Found Problems:
- Your website is not listed in Yahoo Directory.
Shortcut Icon
Excellent! Your website uses the favicon image.
Load time
0.80 second (s) ( 43.52 Kb / s)
Excellent! The website load speed is very fast.
Page Size
Excellent! The page size is less than 150 KB.
Server Details
Server IP
Server Provider
Server Location
Address: Ivan, 84,, Czech Republic
Latitude: 49.4167 Longitude: 17.2500
Website Details
Domain Nameservers
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